Dr Amandine SANGA
After graduating from Geneva medical school in 2010, I start my training in Nyon then Geneva. I rotate between the anaesthesiology,

internal medicine, intensive care units and the emergency room. I join the primary care department in 2014 where I get to monitor elderly patients at home as well as focusing on minor injuries or medical consultations in the emergency department. After 4 years of being chief resident, I leave the HUG in October 2020 to start the Cabinet médical de Varembé with Dr Leone.
Dr Leila LEONE
After graduating from Geneva medical school in 2008, I start my training in Sion, followed by a clinical fellowship in the emergency department of Newham Hospital Trust, in London. I continue my training within the HUG where I rotate between internal medicine, intensive care units and the emergency room.

I join the primary care department in 2016 where I get to monitor elderly patients at home, as well as refugees, whilst working in the emergency department. After 5 years of being chief resident, I leave the HUG in October 2020 to start the Cabinet médical de Varembé with Dr Sanga.